It is Polish recipes, very popular in Poland.  Everyone knows what it is.  We call it bigos.


Sauerkraut and white cabbage chop finely. Heat the big frying pan and fry the onion and becon until slightly golden, then add the mushrooms, sausage and fry until sausage becomes golden. Pour the wine in and cook for a 1 minutes.

Both cabbages put into a big pan and add garlic, evrything from the pan, meat, bay leaves, allspices, dried mushrooms, tomato, tomato pasta bring to boil. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Be careful with the salt because sauerkraut has a lot of salt. Pour some water in and cook for one hour, stirring occasionally.

Now you can put the bigos into the slow cooker and cook in low heat for a few hours. The next day, mix and cook another hour, then is ready to eat. Serve with bread. This is a large portion, you can freeze some.