These pancakes are very delicate and delicious, it can be done on breakfast for children, satisfaction and smiling faces guaranteed 🙂
Put the eggs into a bowl add the sugar, venilla sugar and beat until fluffy. Add the cheese and orange juice and milk into the eggs. Sieve the flour and baking powder and add into a cheese mixsture, mix well to combinate.
To make the orange sauce – put the honey and orange juce in the frying pan and heat gently until honey melted. Simmer gently until juice reduce and until it thickens a little.
Heat the oil on the frying pan and drop a big tbsp of batter on the pan surface and cook over a low heat for 1-2 minutes until slightly golden brown. Turn the pancakes over and cook for further 1-2 minutes until golden and set. Rmove from the pan and keep warm.
Serve warm with the whipping cream and strawberies, or oranges syrop spooned over each or dusted icing sugar 🙂 it depends on how you like 🙂
There are so tasty, yummy.
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